The soldier notices you. He smiles innocently, then gibbers some nonsense at you. The soldier doesn't respond. He just stares blankly at you. You meet an Empire soldier. However, he seems to have lost his mind. He drools, and stares off into nothingness. 0 stnd 25 "I have nothing more to say about that." 0 gnrc 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 "" 0 stnd 0 She shakes her head. "Tiny-minded fools. That's what they all are. But I'll show them!" Her face twists in fury. "Exile is full of tiny minds! Pathetic worms who blame me for this invasion! As if the Empire would not have eventually decided to slay us anyway! At least I struck a decisive blow before it happened." 0 fool@rese 0 "If you meet her, ask her about Garzahd. She may help you. Then again, maybe not." "I know some rakshasi there who were working on a new sort of magical barrier that was immune to normal dispelling. It was originally created by Garzahd. There is a woman named Enla who knows more about it than me." 0 magi@barr 0 "I spoke with him once. He said he knew some sort of 'Teleportation code' to reach the fort. If you meet him, you should ask him about Akhronath. He know how to get to that fortress." 0 osto 0 "The fort is very hard to get into - there are statues in front of it that block entry. However, there is a mage named Ostoth who knows how to reach it." 0 ward 0 "I also know the fort has strong wards." "Akhronath is an Empire fort, and a bizarre one. A variety of powerful magical creatures live and work there, preparing strange magics. I know, for example, that they were researching magical barriers there." 0 akhr 0 She sighs. "Let's just say these days of war may be a happy and nostalgic past. Vahnatai power runs strong and deep." She looks uncomfortable. "Those bizarre aliens will cause us trouble yet. They will not be happy sharing their home with us for long. When they tire of us, they will exercise their considerable power against us. When it happens..." 0 vahn 0 "" 142 crys@soul 0 She sniffs. "A lesser mage, but he knows a lot about teleportation. That seems the best route to reach Garzahd. Ask people about him is Blosk - that was where I knew he was last. You may have to ask a lot - he was a quiet one." 0 thom 0 "A worthy mage. Alas, he is trapped in his tower as much as I am. He lives southwest of Formello. Ask him about Garzahd - they knew each other. He might know something." 0 solb 0 She shakes her head. "A good man, but he's up against the greatest foes the Empire has to offer. Fortunately, his resources may have uncovered something necessary to slay Garzahd. You should see him." 0 king@mica 0 "And, of course, for what it's worth, you may want to see King Micah." "To slay Garzahd, you will need to be able to reach him, and be able to kill him. Someone named Thompson might help with the former, and Solberg might help with the latter." 0 seve@lead 0 She bows her head - a rare sign of respect. "You have slain the worm. I thank you. It was well done indeed." Her smile is chilling. "Oh, sweet Garzahd, the man, the vermin who sent me down here. Now he is in Exile, and I want him dead! And I have several leads on how it may be done." 8 1 garz 0 "I speak of recovering the crystal souls, and of the destruction of Garzahd." "Two missions occupy my mind. They are desperately important, but nothing can be done without adventurers who can leave here and strike the actual blows. Still, I can provide invaluable information." 0 impo@assa 0 "They dared send me down here! The insult, the arrogance, to think once I was down here I could no longer harm them!" She laughs. "I showed them! And I will show them still!" 0 exil@aven 0 She chuckles grimly. "They will fail. And thus I avenge myself for my Exile." "It was I who found the assassins. It was I who told them how to reach Hawthorne. It was I who sent them there. I am responsible. They will do all that they can to exact vengeance upon me." 0 assi@hawt 0 "The Empire will stop at nothing to slay me. It was I who engineered the assassination of Hawthorne." She pauses. "Of course, for that, some fools resent me!" 0 empi@dead 0 9 13 "You have reached the center of my tower once. The next time will be easier." She casts a brief spell. "There is a portal near the entrance. Now, when you step into it, you will appear before me." (You take note of this.) 2 test@rewa 0 "This is my home, and I will not leave it, although my enemies work day and night to slay me. The Empire wishes me dead like no other." She thinks. "By the way, you have passed my tests, and shall be rewarded." 0 towe@defe 0 "I wait here in my tower, watching my defenses. I also prepare assaults against the Empire. Important assaults." "I am Erika, of the Redmark clan." She says it with the air of one who dislikes saying the obvious. You meet the infamous Erika. She is a tall, imposing woman, with long, raven-black hair. She watches you with eyes that seem to pierce far inside you, evaluating the strength of your material and your use to her. 0 stnd 0 You receive a glassy eyed stare. 56 7 Glowing gold runes, floating above the stone: UNWANTED VISITORS WILL BE SLAIN Glowing gold runes, floating above the stone: ERIKA'S TOWER Erika's Tower